
Ann Suggs

Born the daughter of a Landscape Architect and the granddaughter of influential painter in the Boston area I have always been an art appreciator. Originally trained as a nurse with a BSN from the University of Michigan and an MSN the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill I enjoyed a long career helping others thrive in their everyday lives. While dealing with a variety of health concerns ranging from Multiple Sclerosis to rare genetic mutations found in mitochondrial disease I was forced from my profession as a Maternal and Child Health Nurse. While exploring artistic endeavors during rehabilitation from an MS flair I discovered clay while re- learning to feed and dress myself. The creative side of my brain saved my mental health during that dark time and a newly emerging artist was born. After many years of work, I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Western Carolina University with double majors in Painting and Ceramics. I now spend my days, and my mental energy, helping other artists explore their creative side. I enjoy the flexibility that my health demands as well as the ability to surround myself with like minded artists.